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Pirch Variables

These were copied from the Pirch Help book.

$me - your nickname

# - the current channel or nickname

$# - the # symbol

$1..$xx - command line parameters

*1..*xx - sequential command lines parameters start with the number provided

%1..%xx - returns the alias token word at the specified position

$+ - trims extra space from between parameters

$activeurl - the active url in your web browser

$activeurlpage - the page title & address the active url in your web browser

$activeurltitle - the page title of the active url in your web browser

$audience - same as #

$day - the current day of the week

$date - the current date according to your computer’s internal calendar

$getpath - your default dcc download path

$host - your local host name

$ip - your local ip number

$logpath - your log file directory

$mediafile - the currently playing file in the media player

$members - returns the number of people in a channel

$netid - name of the network you’re connected to

$pirchpath - the directory from which PIRCH is running from

$sendpath - your default dcc upload path

$server - the name of the server you are connected to

$snick - currently selected nickname in a channel

$soundpath - your default sound file path

$time - the current time according to your computer’s internal calendar

$title - the caption of PIRCH’s main window

$topic - topic string for the channel (only available for channel releated aliases)

$usermode - your personal user mode

$url - the currently highlighted url in the WWW window

$version - the version of PIRCH which you are using

$?=“prompt” - Displays an input dialog box, returning the entered information

Special Variables/Funtions

$read [-L<#>]

Reads a line from a text file. The -L parameter can be used to specificy a particular line. If no $l param is included pirch will read a random line.


Reads a line from a ini file. See /writeini for more information

$file ""

Pops up a file dialog allowing you to select a particular filename to use. You must specify a caption between quotation marks!
example: WAV:/sound # $file c:\pirch\*.wav hopes you like this sound
By default, $file returns a fully qualified filename including the drive and directory. If you wish not to have the drive letter and directory name returned, use $-file. This will simply return the filename and extension.


This variable is only available for aliases executed within private message windows. This variable contains an address mask for the user that the window belongs to. This can be extremely useful for ignoring a user by address.
Example alias: F12: /ignore $addrmask
The address mask is generated by the same mechanism as ban mask and uses the default ban method indicated in the Ops section of the options dialog.


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