Posted by Sharon on July 25, 2001 at 10:08:48:
In Reply to: Re: 7 year old... posted by carolmanaw on January 10, 2001 at 16:41:29:
My son is 7 going on 8 in September. I think he needs to be introduced to responsibility as quickly as possible and not just by me telling him to "be responsible". He does have chores around the house (feed the cat, put your things away, take out the garbage, etc) but he's not very keen on keeping up with them but I'm sure if an allowance plays a part in it, he would be more apt to working towards a goal or something (I hope). Not trying to make money an issue because my son does know that I do not part very well with money unless it is an absolute necessity. I think with him "earning" an allowance it would play a great part in him "learning" the value of a dollar as well as (hopefully) becoming more responsible in his every day life. This will also shake him off my tail feather when we are in a store bugging me every second just setting himself up for a let down. He can carry his own cash and determine whether or not he has enough for it - purchasing within reason of course.
I especially like the idea about the 3 banks - (1)tithes; (2)short-term savings; (3) long-term savings. I'm going to give all of this a whirl. Thanks!