This part added by: Jamie D.
When he woke up, he got up on the wrong side of the bed and fell off and got a big bump on his head. So he called the doctor...
This part added by: susan downing
Luckily, Jim wore a toupee, so'The Rug Doctor' made a house call. His spiffy-clean hairpiece rode at a natty angle due to the bump...
This part added by: crystal
he went to the air port to cath the plain and it ha dbeen raning and some woman hit him with a raw fish.
This part added by: sambo
after he got on the plainto go anyway he got seated beside of a gorilla and he got air sick and.....
This part added by: sweetmocas
when he woke up that monday moring he noticed that he was in a different world everything was done in red coted icecream topings. As he whent aroudn be met one of the people who lived there where am i he askded the man just smiled and led him to his house as he look around he noticed it looked like his house. The men led him to the bed room he lay down and feel asleep he woke up and he was home. He told his wife and she just smiled by the way i want some ice cream amd cherry toping ana a piclke. The man smiled yu are pregnant she said yes how did yu know. The red topping.
This part added by: Raechel
When Jim woke up he wanted to feed his cat. But when he went down stairs to feed him. When he got down stairs he found out that the cat could talk. And the cat said, "You better feed me. And don't just ignore me like you always do." Jim was amazed. So Jim forgot about his cat and started packing. While he was packing he kept saying to himself, " I know my cat can't talk, what are you thinking in there, brain?" Just then his son walked in and said. " Hey dad< did you know that the cat could talk?" Then Jim went out of his mind! He started pulling his hair and throwing clothes everywhere. Then his son said, " Does this mean that we're not going on vacation?" "But Dad we've been planning this vacation for 2 weeks!" Then Jim said, " Son, I'm sorry but maybe next time." " But in the mean time we're taking that cat to a doctor." So Jim took the cat to the doctor. Jim found out that the cat had sollowed a computer chip that talked. So after all Jim kept the door to the computer room closed and the cat never talked again. Until the night jim got back from vacation. The cat said, "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND! I'VE BEEN STARVING FOR 2 WEEKS!" And all that Jim said was "OH, no not again.
This part added by: Jim is
So he fed his cat then killed it because his son got lost while he was on vacation. But then Jim realized he had extra cat food and ate it all, later on he died from food poisoning
This part added by: Alex
but he didn't really die because he ate so much cat food he turned into a cat and therefore had nine lives.
This part added by: Lynn Hellman
Therefore he could live them as anything he wanted. So he decided that before he became a human again, he would become an elephant.
This part added by: Missie
Once he was an elephant he found himself in a zoo caged next to the flying mice display. and tis caused great alarm and fright. That he jumped so hard he fell out of bed realizing it was all a dream
This part added by: millie
When he fell out of bed he bumped his head. He said that this wasn't the way he wanted to start off the week, so he went back to bed and went to sleep.
This part added by: by Joseph
When Jim woke up he bumped his head and then he fell back to sleep. He dreamed that before he became a human again he would become a mouse...
This part added by: Just me
But he didn't realize how very tiny a mouse was. He could go 'most any where and fit under and around the smallest places, but what a monster the cat had become!!!!, so he decided to go back to sleep and dream of becoming something else, something that could cope with everything....
This part added by: Mitzi
But he couldn't fall asleep and he was still a mouse!!!! "What in the world am I going to do. If I stay like this forever the cat will get me sooner or later and then I'll be dead". So he decided to visit a wise old man that lived next door and the wise old man said to him "This is what you can do, and he whispered in his ear...........
This part added by: Anne
Jim was wakened by an ear splitting crash! startled, clad only in his boxers..he popped from his comfy sleeping bag and quickly unzipped the flap on the tent. A sick feeling came over Jim...His brand new jeep was now enmeshed with a bright yellow VW!! Staring at the tangled mess, a voice broke the stillness of Jim's little piece of heaven. "Oh!! I am sooo sorry!" Jim approached his intruder. She sat stunned behind the wheel and two sleepy eyed boys peered from the rear window.
This part added by: danni
Jim again thought about becoming a being who could cope with everything. He thought & thought but couldn't think of what sort of being that could be. Finally he decided it's better to remain himself & grow to be a better person from all the lessons learned by hardships & joys, painful mistakes and he hoped generous & kinds things he had done just because he wanted to give something to someone else. And really there is no earthly being who can cope with everything.
This part added by: Chrissy (Cat)
So Jim then decided to bring his old cat back to life so he dug him up and sang the monster mash and he was alive but then the cat grew wings and picked jim up and flew to.............
This part added by: Kaitlyn (KITTY)
then his cat took him into the goosebumps book, Why I'm Afraid Of Bee's and turned into a bee & almost died, then suddenly..........
This part added by: kbowman
Jim realized that he was a part of a on- going story. Knowing that his destiny rested in the hands of those who pressed the magic keys, he...
This part added by: Melody
..turned himself into a magical pair of polka dotted gloves, covered in sequins and stars! who could resist such gloves?? and the cat grabbed glovey jim up in her lil kitty mouth, and they raced next door where they heard a click*click*click. "This must be where the typist lives!!" thought Jim, "If only I could get upon those hands, disguised as these magical gloves, then I could be the master of my own fate!!" But alas, all the doors and windows were locked .. it was up to kitty now to get inside the typists house, Jim was only a pair of starry polka dotted gloves after all! So kitty ...
This part added by: Genny
But the kitten wasn't really dead because it was super kitty and it could fly. and the mother was so mad that she almost ate the gloves but super kitty saved them and they lived happily ever after!! ~
This part added by: Patricia
Jim awoke finally from his frightful slumber and exclaimed, "I will never again eat pickle mustard sandwiches before bed!" Today I will go to the lake and take my dog Newton because he loves to......
This part added by: Becky
swim in the water and chase the birds. He even tried fishing like he was a bear. But when he caught the fish...
This part added by: Jenny
the fish wiggled and giggled until Newton dropped him and then the fish barked at the dog. Jim had no idea what they were saying because he forgot his trusty dog translator at home. Newton and the fish barked and barked until Jim could stand it no longer so he,,,,
This part added by: Mr Flibble
Morphed into a werewolf. This suprised the dog and fish so much they started miowing instead. But poor Jim could only understand barks. What is worse as a werewolf he could no longer remeber how to turn back to a man.So in panic he....
This part added by: Auntie Duddie
Well, Jim woke up to see the cat coming out of the shower.... What! He dreamed the whole thing. None of this ever really happened. He shook his head. Got up, packed, and moved to Dallas. THE END well, except for a new life in Texas.......
This part added by: Just me
He arrived in Texas and thought to himself,I hope I never come across anyone as sick, as demented or as utterly rotten as Kevin!!!!!! First of all I must find a place to live....where shall I look...then he remembered that he had a distant cousin living in San Antonio, so he hitched a ride and in no time at all he found himself in San Antonio and then to his great surprise he found his cousin living in, of all places, the Alamo!!!!
This part added by: boogyman
When he walked in he saw his cousin kissing his wife...
This part added by: Patti
she pulled away with a shriek and quickly realized that the woman he was kissing was not in fact his wife but his third cousin twice removed. He blushed with embarrassment and proceeded to catch up on old times. However in a far off land Jim's true love Monique had just awakened in the early hours of the morning to discover that she had been sleeping in the presence of a lawyer,a dog and a priest to which she commented...
This part added by: Lilli
"I have a strange feeling that I was a dodo in a past life. I must save all living birds from extinction!" The dog replied...
This part added by: Allie S.
Jim was very happy to see his cousin and his wife. They decided to explore the Alamo and see the other sights in San Antonio so they went to Sea World. They had a wonderful time and saw whales, dolphins, penguins, and sharks. They even saw a few starfish.
This part added by: LYNDSEY
Jim then went to Houston and the Astroworld. While in Houston he was able to see a Astros playoff game. The Astros were playing the Braves it was very exciting. Then Jim went to astroworld and rode all the fast rides. Waterworld was a great place to get wet and act crazy on all the fast slides.