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The F.U.N. Place - Families United on the Net!  Parenting chat, home maintenance, family projects, gardening, holiday areas, recipes, games, kids, bulletin boards.  Parenting guild, pets section and more.

This is a retired F.U.N. Fable. It can no longer be added onto.

It was a dark and stormy night, not the kind of night you would want to have car trouble on, especially not on the road that ran by the old Brewer place...

This part added by: Alexandra
The person was her mean old nieghbor Mrs. I. Mawitch (She was a witch). Janie was wondering what would happen to her next?

This part added by: Stowell
Alakazee, Alakazam! you are now under my spell. You will always have car troubles on every dark and stormy night...

This part added by: Kate
So if you have car troubles one dark and stormy nightLOOK OUT! It might well be Mrs Mawitch putting a spell on you too.

This part added by: Lisa
Another car came driving down the road atlast she thought that she would not be alone any more and the car did stop and she heard a knocking at the door but she could not get it she was just still then the door opened and she disapered and the person walked on and saw the lady and became under her spell and her husbend never saw Janie again!

This part added by: JENNIFER BROWN
The woman husbend went to go try to look for her he saw a girl sitting by her self on a swing talking to her self he asked her what her name was she said shanna! realy loud. He asked her if she seen his wife but she kept talking to her self he go sooooooooo mad that he slaped her in the face she fell but go back up and ran and was saying his wifes name j a n i e d i e d !!?? He ran after her yelling what happen to her but he lost her she ran in a old house with vines every where then.

This part added by: vilicia
a ghost tapped him on the shoulder and whispered his name. he turned around and screamed like a little girl, it was janie! he cursed the witch, but with only bad language. he could do nothing but plot revenge on the witch as he could not live without janie. he decided to.....

This part added by: Dolly
Mr. Brewer was known as the meanest man in town so everyone avoided going by his house because the last kid that went by the old brewer place never smiled again

This part added by: JENNIFER BROWN
so what happen to that old man the little girl and the husband the storys go on and on so whatever you do dont go out side and drive your car when its stormy out or some one will come and get u and u know who u are shanna! but keep on doing what ever you do every day just watch out !?

This part added by: Efala
Behind the Brewer Place was an abandoned railroad car. Mrs. McGuilacutee looked out and saw the disabled car and passenger. She decided to help. Waving her magic wand she transported the car and passenger to her railroad car and this is when their journey began...

This part added by: Dan
The old car started inching down the tracks. As it came to hill it began to pick up speed. Now it was bumping and shaking violently down the hill...

This part added by: Donna
but it sure felt better than being stranded by the Brewer Place.

This part added by: jean
Suddenly "bang!" she turned around to see what had happened and in her horror she saw.......

This part added by: Joseph
Then all of the sudden she saw a church. she went inside and became a Cristen. then her past changed and she was so happy she...

This part added by: Joseph Igla
Jumped for joy! But when she found out that Mawich turned to a nice friend she was even happier!!!

This part added by: Shanna:)
She was very happy. She went down the road to find a store and she ran into this beggar "Jennifer" she looked very homely. Janie wondered what to do. Since she was a good Christian she decided to help the hideous girl "Jennifer" out. "Come little street rat, I will get you something to eat."

This part added by: Ruth
The road was bumpy and dark. There were huge trees that looked like monsters. Suddenly, Janie's car started to make strange noises......

This part added by: mike
noises that sounded to Janie like voices, saying things that Janie could not understand, but felt, that these "voices" were warning her about some coming danger

This part added by: LALA
The car started to slow down as she approached the drive to the house. then the car suddenly came to a halt, as if it was being commanded to go no further, as she looked up from the steering wheel to the house, she noticed a light on in the house. the fear of going to the house was put to the back of her mind, she had to get help; it was late October and the nights were to cold to stay exposed to long. so she then...

This part added by: Rachel
admonished her fears and began to climb shakily out of the car. Then, she abruptly halted, "I thought the Brewer place was abandoned... why would there be a light on?" She wondered to herself.

This part added by: Leila
"Just a few more miles, please..." she said, as her car started making rumbling noises. "Just get me to a gas station or store. Just a place where there's lights and people..." She hated driving at night and took pains in making sure THIS drive would be an extra careful one. Yesterday, she had the car checked out. "It's running great!" the mechanic told her, "You won't be having any problems with this car." But some how she knew, deep within her, that passing the Old Brewer Place, something, somehow would happen. "Please, oh please, just a few more miles," she pleaded, as her car came to a slow, silent stop.

This part added by: Leila
As she stood there, gazing at this huge, dark structure, she felt a chill down to her bones. Can't stay out here and freeze, she thought to herself. Pilling her coat closer to her, she straightened her back, and walked towards the entrance. Suddenly, she froze dead in her tracks.

This part added by: Trish
She heard an eerie wailing noise. Stranely enough, she could swear she had heard it somewhere before. Suddenly it came to her. It was her cat Stinky! but he'd been missing for weeks!?

This part added by: Megan
So she thought....She opened the door to the house and it wasn't a cat she heard it was a person.

This part added by: Jessica
A big black bear crawling toward her. She fainted. When she woke up she was back in her own room in the safety of her home. It was just a bad dream !!!

This part added by: jon
Or so she thought, because later Mrs. Mawitch came in and told her that she cast a spell on her and that she wasn't home at all. Then Mrs. Mawitch demanded that Janie

This part added by: spiderlegs
become her apprentice in witch craft. Janie would have to learn how to make spells and collect things for Mrs Mawitch's magic potion. Janie had no choice but to accept. Little did she know that...

This part added by: J.J.'s
She became a witch.She no longer felt the same. she felt like she was

This part added by: L.C.'s
Weird because Mrs. Mawitch casted a spell on her . And her cat turned in to a

This part added by: Shanna
Big watermelon. Mrs. Mawitch told her to eat it. She took a bite of the big juicy watermelon and the wailing sound of her cat stinky filled the room, "is this voodoo?"She asked herself.Mrs Mawithch replied...

This part added by: Brooke
"I don't know, you're a witch too, you figure it out." So she put the watermelon down in bewilderment. What a house... what a witch. "excuse me, but I was having car troubles and I really need some help. Do you have a phone so I can call my husband?"Mrs. Mawitch said...

This part added by:Amandie
Your husband? Does he like watermellon? Is he a witch. Could he just fly you home on a broomstick?

This part added by:Brittney hall
No he can not fly he does not even no i can fly and that i am a witch .Lets keep it a little sceret.

This part added by:Ethan Bogner
So I will fly home. Oops I seem to have lost my touch can you fly me home? No I can not. So I will....

This part added by:Ethan Bogner
Turn you into a watermelon too ha ha. poof you are now a watermelon too. I will turn all who come to my house into mice.

This part added by:Brittney hall
Someone help i am in this watermelon i am sticky and i have seeds all over me GET ME OUT OF HEAR NOW!!!!

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